Friday, September 13, 2013

In 1995 I was entering my 20's. Not very glorious considering most guys in their 20's are "finding themselves" looking for purpose. Purpose is different in all of us. Career paths, education maybe? Some just got that blue collar nine to five and stuck it out for the long haul. Me, I was different well I thought I was anyways. I was a singer in a hardcore band, dropped out of college, and was heavily involved in volunteer emergency services. Mostly all of my friends outgrew their childhood passions. Comic books, cartoons, and Pro Wrestling...not me. Against the grain refusing to grow up cause I had to grow up way too fast coming from a broken home of verbal and physical abuse. I find solace in pro wrestling, even to this day. It keeps me young and even at it's worse it always keeps me entertained. That word gets thrown around a lot now in wrestling. "Entertainment" No longer are fans crowding to see a great "wrestling" match, they want to be "entertained" Social media, internet broadcast, and blogs like this generate attention and the "Internet Wrestling Community" creates the keyboard warriors and tough guys who sit in front of their computers and play judge, jury and executioner to the modern day gladiators. We had none in this in 1995...enter E--C--W

Now even though ECW was almost a  year into their promotion, New York and the tri-state area were only starting to get TV tapings on Saturday late nights but the legend was growing. Every dirt sheet, hotline and publication including Pro Wrestling Illustrated jump on the bandwagon and even this new America online service spawned message boards, and chat rooms about ECW and wrestling. Tape trading became easier, no longer did we need mail away pen pals from the magazines to get our fix, we had the internet and beepers (typing the word beeper just looks wrong, like a bad drug deal). You just had to make sure no one picked up the phone while you were connected. Even still this was only 1995 and ECW wasn't the only kids in the sandbox. The WWF is now almost 2 years into their post hulkamania era as the hulkster jumped ship to Uncle Ted's WCW for much greener pastures. The culture of the WWF has changed drastically. The "big man" was still relevant. Diesel with his year long crappy title reign, Sid Vicious also held the championship and cough-cough...Mabel was that years King Of The Ring. Poor Bam Bam Bigelow was jobbing to Lawrence Taylor at Mania, Undertaker was on his way to the "streak" even though it was only King Kong Bundy and who could forget MANTAUR? Razor Ramon, Yokozuna all were prominent big men and had significant roles. The Lex Express was dying, HBK, Davey Boy Smith was thriving, and the Hitman ended Diesel's title run but I was still missing something. WCW on paper, even with Hogan,  had a better product. Sting, Vader, Flair, Savage, Pillman, headlined most of the cards early in 95' Nitro debuted to finally enter the "war" I'd like to forget about the World War 3 PPV, The God Awful Renegade, The Monster Truck roof top abortion with Hogan & The Giant, Jerry Lynn with an awful name and mask, and Alex fucking Wright. I watched it kids, I watched it all but it couldn't compare to ECW

Say what you want and on a recent episode on my podcast I did. Myself and partner Dave "Mega" Powers addressed our pal Dan Lopez who claims that ECW had a negative effect on the business. Dan a veteran blogger and arguably the most hard hitting and on point when it comes to our culture of pro wrestling. Dan did in fact have his rebuttal on a recent episode of the "Shining Wizards" Podcast where he explained in detail why he felt ECW was still in the red with him and the business. Fans shouted ECW's praises on our Facebook page leaving Mr. Lopez no choice but to take it to the audio with Tony Z from the Wizards. I've listened and now it's my turn. This is just me not Dave or anyone else. Dan after all you said, one thing stands out to me the most when you said "I didn't watch ECW when it was on" So you've probably watched all the WWE produced shit, their mostly crappy PPV's and whatever youtube doesn't take down. The TV alone was ground breaking for it's time. The music (because no one cared about copyrights) The ground breaking commentary with Joey Styles, and for me more than anything else, the promos. Guys cut promos, legit, story telling promos. Shit that brought me back to Mid South and the Georgia wrestling days. Even the mid card and jobber guys were good on the stick. Some these guys were main players in the attitude era. How bout Mick Foley's now infamous "Cane Dewey" promo, Steve Austin's insane shoots on WCW, Mikey Whipwreck, the Sandman and Woman? Chris Benoit breaking Sabu's neck making him the crippler. Ask our stablemate Justin Incredible how good it felt to remove the jock strap off his face and become an "Impact Player".  The TV show is what made ECW. One card was 4 episodes of TV, a very simple concept. Raven, Dreamer, Shane Douglas, Taz, the Dudleys, all good workers in the ring and on the mic. They pushed the envelope every time. Then when everyone started to pay attention the downward spiral began.

From 1994 to 1999 ECW was the best promotion in wrestling hands down (Not counting Japan obviously). Better than Bret & Shawn, Better than Austin / Mcmahon, Foley / Funk, The NWO...all of it. 3 wrestlers from ECW were in your top 20 in the PWI 500 of 1995 alone. We know the biased criteria that mag occasionally can be and even they give props to ECW. It just wasn't blood & guts, it just wasn't slapstick stuff, they wrestled and sometimes very well. I do enjoy everything from a golden age half hour headlock to the Ring Of Honor / PWG spot monkey extravaganza and your right Dan you can thank ECW for that. Difference is the old spot monkeys "entertained" more often remember that word from my opening?. Half these kids now cant even be on camera let alone talk. That happened in every era but now it's worse than ever. These guys and gals kill themselves for a shot to be seen now. Politics back then, now and forever will be the downfall of the business of wrestling. WWE has monopolized and has a tight grip on sports "entertainment" there goes that word again. Dan my friend, this is a rare time where I'm gonna have disagree with you. The fact the you've never experienced the revolution while it occurred puts a damper on some of your validity. I'll end this very long rant with the quote that started a revolution and had a Tshirt that asked us to join one: "From the Harley Races, to the Barry Windhams, to the... Ric Flairs, I accept this heavyweight title. Wait a second... wait a second, of Kerry Von Erich, of the fat man himselfDusty Rhodes... this is it tonight, Dad...God, that's beautiful...and Rick Steamboat...and they can all kiss my ass! [...] Tonight, let the new era begin! The era of the sport of professional wrestling! The era of the Franchise! The era of the E-C-W!"
Shane Douglas